Cutting Cords and Letting Go Under a Waning Moon

Susan Ellis-Saller
Sep 22, 2022
When the moon is waning, or going from full to new, it can help you to release, shrink, or cut things out of your life.

It's a good time for:

  • Cord Cutting and Energy Retrieving rituals
  • Releasing feelings or habits that no longer serve you
  • Cutting ties to people you don't want to have in your life any longer
  • Losing weight
  • Making someone's influence over you smaller
  • Cleansing your energetic space

Don't worry about fully cutting out people or relationships you would like to keep. This is more of an energetic tidying up to help you get your energy in balance. It won't sever ties; it will help to harmonize your relationships.

If you need to let go of something, write it down in the week before the new moon. Write down everything you hate or fear about it. Write how it makes you feel. Put all of the power it has over you down on the paper.

Then offer it into a fire in the three days before the new moon, releasing the energy contained within. Transforming it. Burning the intensity away, leaving you feeling healed and whole--or at least a lot better!

On the other side of the New Moon is a time for growing things, as the moon grows, going from a sliver to a full, bright orb in the night sky. 

This is a time for growing things, bringing MORE into your life.

It's a great time for: 

  • Setting growth-minded goals
  • Manifesting abundance/ more money, love, happiness
  • Increased health and vitality
  • More self-love
  • Heightened spiritual awareness

In order to get the best results, you should only focus on one goal or desire per moon cycle.