2022 Moon Cycles

Susan Ellis-Saller
Jan 1, 2022
Do you know how to work with the cycles of the Moon?

The first New Moon of 2022 will be January 2nd, and it's in Capricorn. Capricorn is a hard-working, ambitious, grounded, and driven sign. Despite their serious nature, Capricorns are also known to have a wild side. 

If you've been feeling like getting the work done and making things happen in your life—and getting a little freaky while you're at it—you're likely being affected by this Capricorn New Moon.

Things you can do to set the right energy for 2022

  • Create a Vision Board - use Google and your printer to find the exact things you want to manifest into your life in 2022.
  • Start a new journal just for 2022.
  • Set your work goals and define what success looks like for you. Don't forget to be very specific when you write these goals. Try to get as much into the energy and feelings of being successful as possible.
  • Clear and clean clutter. Don't drag anything into 2022 that you don't need. Get rid of clothes that are worn out, that don't fit, or that don't make you look like a million bucks. Get rid of old makeup and cosmetics. Clear up the stacks of paper and magazines that you don't really enjoy. Make space for what you want to come into your life.
  • Clear out your computer files, too! If you want to manifest a certain number of new clients, prepare folders for your new clients.
  • Reiki your home or sage it to clear the energy.
  • Start a daily meditation practice.
  • Write out a manifestation check for yourself. You can find a copy in the attached worksheets.

What will you be doing to set the stage for a successful, healthy, and magical New Year?

_Working with Moon Cycles 2022 (1).pdf 4.29 MB